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We unveil our Artistic Side!

Nov. 01, 2017

New Commemorative Gate Sculpture on display at Glenwood offices!

Erie, PA – November 2, 2017Seven months of work culminated on October 31, 2017 with the unveiling of a commemorative gate sculpture at Erie FCU’s corporate headquarters and branch at 3503 Peach Street.

Renowned local artists Tom Thomas Ferraro and Edward DeFrece Grout of the Looking Glass Art Project developed the work of art to honor the former Glenwood Elementary School, as well as serve as a centerpiece of the facility’s main entranceway.

Erie FCU CEO Brian Waugaman explained, “It was very important to our team that this abstract work pays tribute to the history shared by the school, our local community and our credit union. We could not have been more satisfied with the results and are honored to showcase this exquisite and unique sculpture to visitors of our new corporate headquarters.”

The skeleton of the beautifully structured 8 ft. high, 9 ft. wide sculpture is made from one of the school’s original brass folding security gates once used to secure the hallways and restrict public access to certain areas of the school after regular school hours.

Waugaman added, “When we first met with Tom and Ed, we told them to let their creative energies flow. We didn’t want to stand between them and the creative process. The ultimate vision was to be able to come up beside someone when the work was completed and say, oh…and by the way…that’s an old gate! We weren’t going to accept the finished piece until the artists were both satisfied with their work and had nothing else to add or change”.

The gate contains fused glass created by Ferraro and Grout in their studio, various metals, and bronze casting remnants.